University of Nottingham

Seamus Garvey is Professor of Dynamics at the University of Nottingham and has expertise in electrical machines and machine rotordynamics and vibration.
He is the overall Principal Investigator on the CORNERSTONE grant and is the workpackage lead for WP6 (link) and WP7.
Carol Eastwick is an expert in fluid mechanics and thermal management generally – with specific emphasis on the thermal management of electrical machines.
Carol is coordinating WP5 all about advanced thermal management within future propulsion machinery.
Si Thu is appointed as a senior researcher to support Seamus Garvey in achieving integration (WP7) between all of the six other technical workpackages.
Si Thu did his PhD at Nottingham, then worked at Sheffield Hallam as a lecturer and has since returned to Nottingham for this important senior position.
Karuna Kalita has a full-time academic position at IIT Guwahati but is nevertheless a vital resource to .